Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Four Blogs in One

I'm not very good at keeping this updated... so here is 4 blogs in 1!

 (1) Today was a beautiful Fall day, sunny, a little windy, and seriously 70 degrees! I took the kids to the park with some of our new friends. 

This is the little girl that after one day Grace said, "she is my best fwiend"

The park is beautiful! Seriously, there is nothing like a Missouri Autumn!

 (2) NHCC (our church) had a Halloween party the weekend before Halloween, and it was so fun. There were games, trick-or-treating, costume parades, and even a little train ride.

They liked the s'mores

We are too cool to dress up... can't you tell...

Grace was SO excited to see Snow White! She was beyond star struck. She slowly walked up to her and gave her a hug, it was so stinkin cute!

More food...

Here was the little train. The kids loved it, but being an over-protective mom I kinda freaked out when they went out of sight... and there were no seat belts... but like I said the kids had fun!

This was actually Halloween at a friends house. They had a party and we all took the kids trick-or-treating.

I was pretty excited to go also... it was my first time! Yeah, I'm such a rebel Dad!

 (3) A few weeks ago, Rob and I came home from something and put the kids to bed. I was sitting on the couch on the computer and I heard something drop down from the ceiling. I looked over by the TV and saw this:

Seriously, it was huge! At first, from a distance, I thought it was a frog! But when I got closer I realized it was some sort of grass hopper... er green... something... I don't even know! 

 (4) We have really settled in to our home. This last weekend we got a new couch for our living room, it is awesome and super comfy (our other couch is cute, but not so comfy). Also I feel pretty good about the kids rooms. The walls are still pretty bare but they look cute. 

Here is Grace's room... well some of it, her room is really big!

Wow, well if you read all of this you must really love us... or you were just bored... or both. Thanks anyway!


Beth Cunningham said...

Can't wait to share with Rand. Kids in the park, costumes & candy ... the house. I'm sitting here just smiling! Can't wait to see you all IN PERSON in a couple of weeks! Looking forward to holding a bug for the kids - since I know you just can't do that! Well ... if you're trick or treating now ... maybe bug holding is in your future!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the hulk :) And Grace with Snow White is so precious! I love those kids! By the way I have ALWAYS wanted to see a grasshopper that big, so you have made me jealous, you happy?

Anonymous said...

I'm not bored, but I do love you alot... but even then, I still love catching up on your life! I get so excited to look at your new posts! Your home looks so... homey and cozy! And your kiddos in their costumes... and Grace and snow white! That's the cutest thing ever! Wow. I can't wait to see you. Maybe BB will be open when you come out here to visit.

tabitha jane said...

we really love you . . !