Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Say goodbye to white walls!

Rob and I stayed up until 3:00am painting the house and it was sooo worth it. We couldn't get started until the kids were in bed and so it made for a late night. Also our living room, huge dinning room, and one of the hallways all had to be done so it was a BIG job. I have lived in an apartment for the last four years and have been surrounded by white walls... well no more! Also our rugs came today! Our little house is looking so nice! Here a few pictures of our living room... hopefully I will get pictures taken of some of the other rooms soon.

The top picture shows the color better! It is a nice warm light tan that goes well with all the wood and brick in the house. 

Now I'm going to post this fast before something happens :)


lizhoweth said...

That looks so great! So, are you guys in an actual HOME? Oh, how fun.

Nick said...

Your house looks homey. Hopefully we can visit soon.

Megan said...

You guys are crazy! 3 am!!! hahaha...I wish momand I could've been there to help! It looks so great and I love how homey it is with the rugs! Did the one for the hallway come too?? Oh how is Grace liking her yellow room? Love and miss you!

Beth Cunningham said...

I love it! You guys did a great job! And isn't it a satisfying feeling to know you could always get a second job as a painter ... ha! No really ... it looks so warm and restful! Good thing since you'll need extra rest after staying up so late! You people are crazy!

I love that about you! : )

tabitha and jon said...

wow! you are already moved in???