Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oh the Holidays

This was such a great Christmas season! We had so much fun exploring Kansas City and finding fun things to do with our kids. The big train station down town was set up with beautifully decorated trees and lots and lots of model trains. There was also an enormous tree with a train the kids could ride.

Above is Union Station and a family picture that actually turned out! I think this would have been our Christmas card if I would have sent one out ;)

We also had fun playing in the snow with our kids! I'm sure we will continue to enjoy this the next few months.

Here are a few pictures of Christmas morning...

The last picture is after we got back from Oregon, and the kids are wearing the sweaters my mom made for them... so cute! And yes we went back to Oregon for Christmas, we actually flew back on Christmas day! We had such an amazing time with family and friends... we were enjoying ourselves sooo much that we forgot to take pictures :( I'm so mad at myself, and if any of you have pictures of our time in Oregon please share them with me!!!


Laura Jean said...

Seriously Corrie, your kids are soooo cute!! Looks like you're making a nice little home in Kansas city :)

Megan said...

Awww man! So great! I miss you all so much!!